Weekly Sheet


Please click below to download our weekly sheet.


14th July 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

7th July 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

30th June 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

23rd June 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Fourth Sunday after Trinity

16th June 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Third Sunday after Trinity Fathers Day

9th June 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Second Sunday after Trinity

2nd June 2024

SERVICE BOOK The First Sunday after Trinity

26th May 2024

SERVICE BOOK Trinity Sunday

19th May 2024


12th May 2024

SERVICE BOOK Seventh Sunday in Easter

5th May 2024

SERVICE BOOK Sixth Sunday in Easter

27th April 2024

SERVICE BOOK Fifth Sunday in Easter

21st April 2024

SERVICE BOOK Fourth Sunday in Easter

14th April 2024

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday in Easter

7th April 2024

SERVICE BOOK Second Sunday in Easter

31st March 2024

SERVICE BOOK Easter Sunday

29th March 2024

SERVICE BOOK Good Friday 2pm

SERVICE BOOK The Cross of Christ

28th March 2024

SERVICE BOOK Maundy Thursday

24th March 2024


17th March 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Fifth Sunday in Lent

10th March 2024

SERVICE BOOK Mothering Sunday

3rd March 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Third Sunday in Lent

25th February 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Second Sunday in Lent

18th February 2024

SERVICE BOOK The First Sunday in Lent

Ash Wednesday

SERVICE BOOK Ash Wednesday Morning Service
                           Ash Wednesday Evening Service

11th February 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Sunday Next Before Lent

4th February 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Second Sunday before Lent

28th January 2024


21st January 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Third Sunday of Epiphany

14th January 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Second Sunday of Epiphany

7th January 2024

SERVICE BOOK The Feast of Epiphany

31st December 2023

SERVICE BOOK First Sunday of Christmas

25th December 2023

SERVICE BOOK Christmas Day Eucharist

24th December 2023

SERVICE BOOK Crib Service 10am
SERVICE BOOK Midnight Mass 11pm

17th December 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Third Sunday of Advent
SERVICE BOOK Christmas Carol Service

10th December 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Second Sunday of Advent
SERVICE BOOK   Christingle Service 4pm

1st December 2023

SERVICE BOOK Advent Sunday

26th November 2023

SERVICE BOOK Christ the King

19th November 2023

SERVICE BOOK 2nd Sunday before Advent

12th November 2023

SERVICE BOOK Remembrance Sunday

5th November 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Feast of All Saints

22nd October 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Twentieth Sunday After Trinity

15th October 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity

8th October 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity

1st October 2023

SERVICE BOOK Harvest Celebration 

24th September 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity

27th August 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Twelfth Sunday After Trinity

20th August 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Eleventh Sunday After Trinity

13th August 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Tenth Sunday After Trinity

6th August 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Transfiguration of Our Lord
with Baptism of Pricilla-Ann

30th July 2023

SERVICE BOOK Eighth Sunday after Trinity

23rd July 2023

SERVICE BOOK Seventh Sunday in Trinity ALMA Sunday

16th July 2023

SERVICE BOOK Sixth Sunday in Trinity

9th July 2023

SERVICE BOOK Fifth Sunday in Trinity

2nd July 2023

SERVICE BOOK Fourth Sunday in Trinity

25th June 2023

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday in Trinity with Baptisms

18th June 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Second Sunday After Trinity Fathers Day

11th June 2023

SERVICE BOOK The First Sunday after Trinity

4th June 2023

SERVICE BOOK Trinity Sunday

26th May 2023


14th May 2023

SERVICE BOOK Seventh Sunday of Easter 

7th May 2023 

SERVICE BOOK Special Coronation Service 

7th May 2023

SERVICE BOOK Fifth Sunday of Easter

30th April 2023

SERVICE BOOK Fourth Sunday of Easter

23rd April 2023

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday of Easter

6th April 2023

SERVICE BOOK Second Sunday of Easter with Baptisms

9th April 2023

SERVICE BOOK Easter Sunday

8th April 2023

SERVICE BOOK Holy Saturday Vigil

7th April 2023


6th April 2023

SERVICE BOOK Maundy Thursday

2nd April 2023


26th March 2023

SERVICE BOOK Fifth Sunday in Lent Passiontide

19th March 2023

SERVICE BOOK Fourth Sunday in Lent 

12th March 2023

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday in Lent

5th March 2023

SERVICE BOOK Second Sunday in Lent

26th February 2023

SERVICE BOOK First Sunday in Lent

22nd February 2023

SERVICE BOOK Ash Wednesday Evening Service

22nd February 2023

                            SERVICE BOOK Ash Wednesday Morning Service                           

18th February 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Sunday Next Before Lent

12th February 2023

SERVICE BOOK The Second Sunday before Lent

4th February 2023

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday before Lent

29th January 2023

SERVICE BOOK Candlemas and Harvey's Baptism

22nd January 2023

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday of Epiphany

15th January 2023

SERVICE BOOK Second Sunday of Epiphany

8th January 2023

 SERVICE BOOK The Feast of the Epiphany

1st January 2023

SERVICE BOOK Naming and Circumcision of Jesus

25th Decmebr 2022

SERVICE BOOK Christmas Day Eucharist

24th December 2022

SERVICE BOOK Midnight Mass

24th December 2022


18th Decmeber 2022

SERVICE BOOK Carol Service

18th December 2022

SERVICE BOOK Fourth Sunday of Advent

11th December 2022

SERVICE BOOK Christingle

11th December 2022

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday of Advent

4th December 2022

SERVICE BOOK Second Sunday of Advent

27th November 2022

SERVICE BOOK First Sunday of Advent 

20th November 2022

SERVICE BOOK Feast of the King and Patronal Festival

13th November 2022

SERVICE BOOK Remembrance Sunday

6th November 2022

SERVICE BOOK Third Sunday before Advent

30th October 2022

SERVICE BOOK All Saints Day 2022

23rd October 2022

SERVICE BOOK Last Sunday of Trinity

16th October 2022

SERVICE BOOK 18th Sunday of Trinity

9th October 2022

SERVICE BOOK 17th Sunday of Trinity

2nd October 2022

SERVICE BOOK 16th Sunday of Trinity

25th September 2022

SERVICE BOOK 15th Sunday of Trinity

18th September 2022

SERVICE BOOK 14th Sunday of Trinity

11th September 2022

SERVICE BOOK 13th Sunday of Trinity

4th September 2022

SERVICE BOOK   12th Sunday of Trinity

28th August 2022

SERVICE BOOK   11th Sunday of Trinity

21st August 2022

SERVICE BOOK   10th Sunday of Trinity

14th August 2022

SERVICE BOOK   9th Sunday of Trinity

7th August 2022

SERVICE BOOK   8th Sunday of Trinity

31st July 2022

SERVICE BOOK   7th Sunday of Trinity

24th July 2022

SERVICE BOOK    6th Sunday of Trinity

17th July 2022

SERVICE BOOK    5th Sunday of Trinity

10th July 2022

SERVICE BOOK   4th Sunday of Trinity

3rd July 2022

SERVICE BOOK   3rd Sunday of Trinity

26th June 2022

SERVICE BOOK    2nd Sunday of Trinity

19th June 2022

SERVICE BOOK   1st Sunday of Trinity

12th June 2022

SERVICE BOOK   Trinity Sunday

5th June 2022

SERVICE BOOK    Pentecost

29th May 2022

SERVICE BOOK    7th Sunday of Easter

26th May 2022

SERVICE BOOK   Ascension Day

22nd May 2022

SERVICE BOOK    6th Sunday of Easter

15th May 2022

SERVICE BOOK   5th Sunday of Easter

8th May 2022

SERVICE BOOK   4th Sunday of Easter

1st May 2022

SERVICE BOOK   3rd Sunday of Easter

24th April 2022

SERVICE BOOK   2nd Sunday of Easter

17th April 2022


10th April 2022

SERVICE BOOK   Palm Sunday

3rd April 2022

SERVICE BOOK   5th Sunday of Lent

27th March 2022

SERVICE BOOK   4th Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday)

20th March 2022

SERVICE BOOK   3rd Sunday in Lent

13th March 2022

SERVICE BOOK   2nd Sunday in Lent

6th March 2022

SERVICE BOOK  1st Sunday in Lent

27th February 2022

SERVICE BOOK   Sunday next before Lent

20th February 2022

SERVICE BOOK  2nd Sunday before Lent

13th February 2022

SERVICE BOOK   3rd Sunday before Lent

6th February 2022

SERVICE BOOK  4th Sunday before Lent

2nd February 2022


30th January 2022

SERVICE BOOK  4th Sunday in Epiphany

23rd January 2022

SERVICE BOOK  3rd Sunday in Epiphany

16th January 2022

SERVICE BOOK  2nd Sunday in Epiphany

9th January 2022

SERVICE BOOK  1st Sunday in Epiphany (Baptism of Christ)

2nd January 2022

SERVICE BOOK  2nd Sunday of Christmas


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