
Joseph Fernandes – new Prebendary

It has been announced that Joseph will be one of six new Prebendaries to be installed at St Paul’s Cathedral in May 2023. This is an honorary role in addition to his role as a parish priest.

Prebendaries are appointed by the Bishop after consultation with the Dean of St Paul’s in recognition of their work in the Diocese. As part of the roles in the Greater Chapter of St Paul’s, they are each given their own stall in the quire, are invited to preach once a year and are given a portion of the Psalms to recite each day. They also play a valuable role in maintaining the Cathedral’s close links with the parishes of the London Diocese.

The Bishop of London, The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally, said:

“I’m pleased to announce these six clergy members as Prebendaries of St Paul’s Cathedral, in recognition of their outstanding work in the Diocese of London. Their range of experience and different ministries will provide a good platform for them to succeed in their roles at St Paul’s. I have no doubt that they will make sure that they will make an extremely valuable contribution to the Cathedral in the years to come.”

The Dean of St Paul’s, the Very Revd Andrew Tremlett, said:

“Prebendaries play a vital role in the life of the Cathedral, and so I am thrilled to welcome these six new members to St Paul’s in recognition of their dedication and contribution to the Diocese. Their unwavering commitment to serving both their communities and Christ is an example to us all, and I pray that they will bring to the Cathedral their gifts for leadership and ministry.”

The press release made special mention of Joseph’s work as Diocesan Chaplain for the Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Communities.

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